Discover more about the #FuturesFam

In 2017, CIH recruited 15 bright young things from all over the UK to an advisory panel to help transform the membership offer for young housing professionals. That advisory panel grew arms and legs of its own, and by the end of the year, had officially become CIH Futures, the young professionals’ board of the CIH.

The core aim at the heart of everything we do, is to get more young people into CIH membership by making the membership offer as attractive, valuable and accessible as possible.

In working towards that aim, we come up with projects and campaigns to engage, involve and up-skill people. 

So, what are our key foundations?

  • A commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion:
    Our work will focus on gaining platforms for our young black members, alongside other under-represented groups in society whose voices so often go unheard, in the knowledge that we support them and each other every step of the way.

  • Increasing membership:
    Futures was founded on a need to increase membership among young professionals across the sector. Everything we do to add value to the sector is to attract membership and showcase what being a housing professional means.

  • Housing as a career of choice:
    We want to changes the narrative of ‘falling into housing’ and really highlight housing as a career of choice. Get back into learning institutions and ensure that people see the opportunities to make a lasting difference to the communities they live in.

  • Building partnerships and relationships:
    There’s a lot we want to impact on across the sector, but we can not go it alone; we need allies and partners with a shared ethos. We already have great partnerships and want to continue forging new ambitious ones to help us do more for the sector.

Our Futures promise

  • Fearless:
    We work together to stand up for what is right. We’re ambitious, driven by our values and encourage insight from our members and other stakeholders. We will work with others who share our values by looking for new ways to collaborate to change the things that matter to us.

  • Honest:
    We’re open with each other and our members by publishing our plans and keeping our word. We’ll work out loud, celebrate when we succeed and share our learning when things go wrong. We won’t shy away from challenge and value open conversation.

  • Motivated:
    We get the best results by working as a team. We’re not afraid to raise the standards. We never settle, and we set two-year plans to focus our energy where it is most effective to deliver for members.

  • Present:
    We listen first and act second. Every voice is welcome in the #FuturesFam and we work in an environment built on mutual trust and respect. We challenge each other, always with kindness, to support Futures to be the best it can be.

  • Leading:
    We lead to create a better, more diverse future for the sector. We make it our responsibility to use our platform and influence for good. We make the sector a better place for the next generation by creating development and leadership opportunities for all. We believe our greatest strength is each other.

Meet the team

Click each of the blocks below to find out more about the individuals on our Futures board.

Halisha Kaur

James Ballantyne

Chair of CIH Futures, new business development manager at Bromsgrove District Housing Trust

"In a fair society, everyone has an equal opportunity", and I believe that the root of that opportunity comes from a safe, secure and warm home surrounded by a strong community. As a sector, it is our duty to recognise the wider impact that our developments have to ensure every one of our customers have the basis to thrive throughout their life.”

Emma Gilbank

James BallantyneVice chair of CIH Futures, board member and service manager for sustainability and climate change at Connect Housing

“I am passionate about driving a rapid a transition towards a sustainable future which allows people to be happy, healthy and thrive alongside their environment and community. I want our colleagues, residents and customers to be empowered to contribute to decision making and ultimately help to deliver solutions which are focused on justice and inclusivity. We are values driven at Futures and want young people to be instrumental in shaping the housing sector. As younger people will be most affected by Climate issues, I feel it's important to link with our other areas of focus with the board.”

Karl Badderly

Board member and external affairs officer at Riverside

"I am passionate about creating a fairer housing sector that works for everyone. Safe and warm housing is a fundamental human right, the absence of which jeopardises health, educational opportunity, and community safety. To make a meaningful difference we need people in the sector who are prepared to devise innovative solutions and put pressure on legislators."

Ryan Barclay

Board member and housing options broker at Housing Options Scotland

"My passion for the housing sector is in being able to help others understand and navigate the housing system. I enjoy speaking with the customer to find out how I can provide the most tailored service possible, to empower them to make decisions about their housing future and better understand their housing options. The housing sector is very varied, so I am both eager, to ensure that I learn from the experience of colleagues to deliver the highest possible standard of service and keen that I take the opportunity to promote a career in the housing sector which I find to be very rewarding."

Luke Denton

James BallantyneBoard member and homelessness prevention and relief team leader at Brent Council

“The part of the housing sector that I am most passionate about is meeting with residents on the frontline and working them to prevent their homelessness and finding new homes. I enjoy being able to confront a challenging problem head on and delivering results to families in need.”


Catherine George

James BallantyneBoard member and neighbourhood management officer at South Liverpool Homes

“I have worked in the housing sector for the past 6 years. I am passionate about improving the influence of the voice of tenants within the sector in order to provide the best quality homes and services we can. I am also passionate about promoting the work and voices of younger people working within the sector, as they are the leaders and professionals of the future, so providing support as they progress with their careers is important.”


Michaela McCusker

James BallantyneBoard member and team leader – income collection unit at the Northern Ireland Housing Executive

“I believe tenants should have good quality, safe and warm homes and access to services they require. I am passionate about promoting housing as a career and ensuring the future of the sector is representative of the communities it serves. “


Dean McGlynn

Board member and external affairs manager at the National Housing Federation

In each of our UK nations, we have a dedicated group of CIH Futures, working towards the overall groups ambition locally. 

CIH Futures Northern Ireland

Find out more about each individual by clicking their names below.

Follow CIH Futures Norther Ireland on X (formerly Twitter) -

Join the Futures board
We are looking to recruit several new board members later this year. If you are interested, please register your interest via our form.
Register your interest
Podcast series: guide to the housing sector
In this podcast series, CIH Futures chat with industry experts to introduce and explore key topics and issues facing the housing sector today.
Listen here
Blogs and articles
Read the latest thought-leadership pieces from CIH Futures.

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