18 Aug 2023

Being a judge at this year's Scotland Housing Awards

This year I am going to be part of the CIH Scotland Housing Awards 2023 judging panel.

I’m delighted to have been asked, since it feels like an opportunity to give back a little, because I have twice been part of an award-winning team!  This time the tables are turned, and I will be going through the carefully crafted submissions.

I think the CIH awards are hugely important, both for the applicants and their organisation.

For applicants, the awards provide the chance to firstly to take time to look at your efforts and feel good about what your hard work has achieved. A chance to reflect and realise your value. It's an opportunity to come together with colleagues and peers from across the sector, to take time out of your busy schedule to talk about what you have achieved. This can be hugely motivating and build relationships in teams.

For organisations, this process gives an opportunity to demonstrate the value you place on your employees’ hard work, and, for both applicants and employers it is public recognition from your peers that enhances your reputation and standing.

Knowing how good it feels to be an award winner, I'm really look forward to being a judge. It’s a true privilege to be part of this process.

Written by Shona Gorman

Shona Gorman, chair, Regional Networks.